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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Well Winters Come.

Winter has definitly come out at the forest. Its damp, misty, its been raing alot and structures are wet. Did a pretty dodgy burnout on Crazy Train the other day.
Theres not alot going on in terms of new additional freeride stuff for now but we will be starting the next addition to The Barrel Run in the next couple of months.
I had a couple of dudes ask me the other day if they could scrub off the mossy build up on parts of Ho Chi Min. I think this is a great idea and am maybe planning a sunday morning trail clean up. All i will need is about ten keen guys with a few tools of there own. I will have more details on this in the weeks to come. So ill keep you all posted.
Haydz and I however have just added another 5.5mtrs of wall to the wallride on The Barrel Run. This now makes it 14.5mtrs long. Its impressive. Get up there and check it out.

And i want photos people. Photos of your mean hucks and big jumps. Ill chuck em on the blog at the end of every month. Ill stick up 10 pics so make sure you add your name, photographer and rider. Send them through to
Heres the Bigg Boss mark harrowfield shredding the wall aprt on Amyl Nitrate. Go Boss.